Divisional Conclave
Dear Worthy Knight Recorders, would you kindly forward this message to all your members.
Dear Worthy Knights, having visited many other Divisions throughout the country for their annual Divisional Meetings, I’m always impressed by the numbers of individual Knights who attend those meeting, including many who are new to the Order or those who are not receiving any promotion in or to the Divisional offices but just come along to support their Intendant-General.
I know our meeting is usually well attended and I’m sure many of you will be there in September but I do urge all of you who have not been or perhaps have not given it much thought, to come along and show our visitors, many of whom have travelled long distances to be with us, just how much we in West Lancashire love this Order and want to show our support of it and our Intendant-General. I’m sure he will be grateful for the support you give him.
Kind Regards and in
Faith, Unity, Zeal
Sent from the office of Divisional Recorder
Ill. Kt. Neil Cooper, PG Std.B(L)